Monday, July 3, 2017

Pay Attention

Once again I am compelled to defend the press, even Breitbart. The whole point in having freedom of the press, clearly outlined in the First Amendment, is that information that those in power don't like is specifically the information that is protected. Plenty of Americans believe that the first amendment protects their own speech, but what it does is protect against government interference in speech or press. What that means is that freedom of the press or freedom of speech don't apply to what I write, or what I delete from my own blog. They do apply to the president implying violence against the news, they do apply to the president encouraging blackouts of a variety of news sources, they do apply to only selecting certain  questions from the press pool. We all need the press to cover the government. The government doesn't have to like it.

There is no guarantee that anonymous ramblings from the fat kid in the basement (Trump's own words) will be tolerated.

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