Saturday, July 1, 2017

Finished The Epergne

I finished the applique of the epergne block today. It was complicated because the layers weren't predictable. Sometimes the piece was on top of another piece but then a different area was below the same piece. So there were many parts that were the "hurry up and wait" variety. I think my watermelon turned out particularly well but I haven't done any of the embroidery yet so no pictures. I changed the block in a few ways as well but it is substantially as drawn.

After less than six months of a four year term, Trump is even irritating his own party members let alone the rest of us. Even more important is that he is irritating all other leaders in the world. Most people now describe Chancellor Angela Merkel as the leader of the free world. So far Trump doesn't seem disturbed by that. He even turned over control of the military to the various heads of service, an act that defies history and the Constitution. There really is a good reason not to have the military in charge of military missions. Even my father, a career Army officer, warned against military control of the military. It's simply a bad idea.

Trumpettes are still trumpeting though. Apparently they have no long view nor any background. As Trump said during his campaign, he likes his voters stupid. That has been the Republican party mantra for at least 30 years.

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