Sunday, July 23, 2017

On A Much Lighter Note

Tomorrow is Pioneer Day here in Utah, celebrating the entrance into the valley of Brigham Young and his small group. The larger group came later but I don't know if anyone has taken note of the day of their arrival. Anyway, as you might imagine, those of us who are not Mormons don't take the day as seriously as the dominant religion does. My son works in a bar owned by Ty Burrell of Modern Family fame that runs a charity event called Pie and Beer Day. Various cooks from local restaurants make pies to auction off with the proceeds going to designated charities in the city. The beer gets sold, the crowd gets a little more rowdy, and the bids on the pies go up.

My son, who is the executive chef of the food side of the bar, got picked to bake this year. He doesn't usually make pies. The bar makes a killer bread pudding but they don't have an oven--don't ask, even the explanation doesn't make much sense. So he had to talk one of his buddies who works in a catering firm to let him use their kitchen to make his pies. Because he doesn't make pies often, he doesn't have a big repertoire but he does make buttermilk pie, both at home and at his previous cooking gig. He called yesterday to check on the ratio of fat to flour in my pie crust because everyone thinks mine is the best. My husband got all enthusiastic about buttermilk pie so I am making one for him to serve with macerated blueberries. It's a very old-fashioned pie but very nice in the summer time with fresh fruit.

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