Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Life Support

More evidence that Donald Trump does not understand the impact of his statements arose today. He was angry that the Republican Senate couldn't even come together to bring the TrumpCaresLittle bill to a vote so he turned to his favorite communication--140 characters (apparently his attention span is too small for the regular policy statements of presidents). He has the nerve to blame the failure of the bill on Democrats even though the clear evidence points to both Republican members of Congress and the Senate and to the American public who overwhelmingly loathed the proposed bill.

So what is his current plan? Certainly not to go to the Capitol to talk to both sides about what is best for Americans. Certainly not to behave in a presidential manner. No. His plan is to force the failure of all insurance markets by refusing to pay already agreed support. It isn't clear to the logical voter how this will help Americans. Millions of people will lose their insurance overnight, thus losing access to their doctors for their illnesses. No one can blame doctors or insurance companies since this falls completely in Trump's ample lap. Of course he doesn't think so--he thinks he can blame someone else as he has done throughout his entire career. 

In the meantime, Jr. has been enjoying even more attention from lawyers and the press. Luckily, because Jr. released his own emails, this can't be called "fake news". It is all too real and points to relationships between the Trumps and various Russians, including money launderers using NYC real estate to hide their proceeds.

What a guy, what a swell guy.

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