Sunday, July 2, 2017

Interest At Last

Some of you may have been following my travails with the boxes of goods from my husband's mother. I say they are my travails because he is a wonderful man and a great husband but wouldn't know a mess unless he fell over it or couldn't find some particular thing that he wanted. I can't claim to be a great housekeeper but I know the perils of old cardboard and old paper.

Anyway, I sent an email to the head of the Asian Studies program at our local university. Initially I was disappointed because I got an auto-reply but she forwarded my email to the fellow who is the Japanese history specialist in the department. My husband's grandfather was famous in Japan very early in the 20th century and became equally well-known here for a time as he was an accomplished author. Anyway, we have all of his journals, some of his notebooks, all of his publications, and all the books that he wrote. Clearly most of this stuff just isn't available anywhere and some is entirely unique. For a scholar to have primary sources is always important so if we can arrange to donate the collection to the local university someone will benefit. I doubt that we will even get a tax deduction as assessing value puts a burden on the university but the goal has always been to put the journals and books into a collection where it will be used.

By the way, when did it become acceptable for adults to exclaim, "Well she did it first!" Not only is that what Trump does on a daily basis, with reprehensible language and insults, but his supporters use that language to excuse this 70 year old man who acts like a 2 year old. I remember car trips with my older two boys with behavior and excuses like that, but  they were three and two.  

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