Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Not Entirely Sure

Trump seems to have gone further off the reservation in the last couple of days. Of course his business model was always chaos and confusion so the current distractions may just be to move attention from this bright shiny object to that bright shiny object but the last two days have been even more fraught with distress if one is concerned about the country.

Trump's tweets about Jeff Sessions are abominable and that comes from someone who finds Jeff Sessions deplorable. When the fellow in charge chooses his underlings, he owes them a modicum of respect, not public humiliation. When Trump told his followers that he was going to drain the swamp, I doubt they thought he meant the people he chose himself. Sean Spicer tried to make Trump look the way Trump wanted to look. He lied mightily from the very first day but he still didn't get to meet the Pope. That's cruel.

The transgender ban for the military is notable because he only did it for what he perceived as personal advantage. He wants money to build his wall along the southern border so he upended the Obama directive hoping to get that done. Of course zillions of people have already pointed out that the Defense Department spends ten times as much money on Viagra as it does on sex reassignment surgery.

Then in the Senate, those folks can't get enough votes to pass anything. Even the tie vote to bring the TrumpDoesn'tCare  discussion to the floor had to be broken by Mike Pence but that didn't get them much further because they have already defeated several other iterations.  As I wrote before, one thing insurance companies hate is uncertainty. The reason they do all the research and build all the actuarial tables is so they can know what to expect. This turmoil destroys their research and harms their customers. None of these people voting use this kind of insurance so they probably don't even realize the harm they do their constituents.  

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