Friday, June 23, 2017

Laugh or Cry?

Donald Trump admitted today that he had deliberately misled people about possibly having tapes of conversations with former FBI director Comey. He implied that he had done so in an attempt to get Comey to change his story about conversations with Trump. Of course the only man who changed the story was Trump but we have to keep in mind that he lied about how many stories Trump Tower has when it was built. Anyone who will lie about something so obvious clearly has no moral compass.

Trump himself has had nothing to do with the AHCA that was released for viewing yesterday. He can't even be bothered with reading intelligence reports so why would anyone expect him to pay attention to providing direction or support to a change in health care that affects all Americans and 1/6 of the economy? Of course as it turns out the 13 white men (senators) who were supposedly writing the bill, weren't. Even one of my state's senators, the very conservative and weasely Mike Lee who was supposed to be one of the 13 men writing the bill said the day before the bill was released for viewing that he had never seen it and had no idea what was in it. When you have to rely on a lying sack of manure like short sale Mike Lee to tell the truth you really are in trouble. Of course Lee might have been lying since he knew he wouldn't support it as written anyway.

Giving tax breaks to millionaires so that you can throw needy children and old folks off Medicaid is emblematic of the modern Republican party. I was a Young Republican back in the day and a registered Republican for a significant portion of my voting life. Of course living in Utah can change that quickly. Here it isn't so much that most of the dominant religion votes Republican--people's religious views can irk me but I can't ever condemn someone for those views--but most of the elected Republican officials, nearly 80% statewide, all seem to be crooked real estate developers out to make a buck out of deals that defraud or injure the rest of us. I have lived in more than 20 states in my life and I don't remember any that is more crooked than Utah. So much for those religious views, right?

I have finished two blocks for the Baltimore Album project. Perhaps pictures tomorrow since my husband has been gone to Colorado for a consulting job all week. The two I finished are different from the BOM patterns as I am not crazy about either the blocks as a group or the arrangement  set out by the BOM.    

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