Tuesday, June 20, 2017


I participated in the type of confrontation that I find not just distasteful but unproductive. A reader who has commented previously brought up on my Hidden Evils that the ACA had been accused of secrecy and that people had been harmed financially. I responded in the particular fashion that I find distasteful, well your side did it too.

What matters is not what happened in the past, but what happens moving forward for all of us. If you were harmed by the ACA, you should hope that the current 13 man group considers that harm along with considering the myriad ramifications of insurance.

My husband's first job after graduation from the Wharton MBA program was with an insurance company. Compared to most consumers, I know more than I want to know about actuarial tables and risk pools, but unless the lawmakers inform those consumers about what drives prices in insurance bills, there will still be confusion and anger. Your lawmakers are depending on you to be ignorant. Remember that ignorant doesn't mean stupid, it simply means uninformed.They don't have the same insurance as you so they feel safe.

So I apologize for the kindergarten behavior but I ask every voter to pay attention--please pay attention to the details that affect your life and the life of your neighbor. We really are in this together.

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