Sunday, July 29, 2018

Giuliani Past Sell By Date

Candidate Trump notoriously declared that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and no one would care. This utter disregard for consequences isn't simply a sign of Trump's grandiosity; it describes those who vote for him as well. Case in point--Rudy Giuliani. Last week the Trump tam waived privilege on certain dealings with Cohen. At the beginning of this week, Michael Cohen's attorney released the taped conversation between Cohen and Trump that apparently outlined how they were going to "catch and kill" the publication of Karen MacDougal's story. So first the Trump side sends out Giuliani to try to convince listeners that the tape doesn't say what most of the world thinks it says. Then last night Giuliani declared that Cohen needs to be very careful because he will be disbarred (surely he is past that point anyway) if he continues to release privileged conversations (where privilege no longer attaches), and that in any case Cohen altered the tape prior to its release.

So there are so many competing narratives just in a few days of Giuliani's appearances on television that the rational human will discount absolutely everything that Giuliani says. As Judge Judy always says, "If it doesn't make sense, it isn't true."

But the Trump voter nods his head because the whole point of being a Trump voter is to pick the guy who hates the same people you hate.

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