Thursday, February 9, 2017


The Republican party is so overjoyed at winning all three branches of government that they are willing to turn a blind eye to the eccentricities, peccadilloes, and illegalities of the gang that has taken over the White House. Trump is in violation of the Constitution for his unprecedented insistence on keeping ownership of his far flung business holdings. The authors of the Constitution thought the emoluments clause important enough to make violation of it an impeachable offense, but there is no evidence that any Republican wants to go there despite the notion that upholding the Constitution is the very oath that Trump swore to.

On a daily basis all of us are witness to the contempt with which that White House gang views us. Today Kellyanne Conway broke federal law by promoting Ivanka Trump's products on government time and with government equipment. That's your tax dollars promoting Ivanka Trump's goods in violation of federal law. If any of us had the audacity to pursue such a course we would already be visited by agents, but Sean Spicer assures us that Conway has been counseled. Counseled? She is a lawyer. She knows the law including the part about ignorance of statutes not being a defense to illegal actions.

When do we see Kellyanne do the perp walk?    


  1. That last line is too good to languish on a blog, no matter how many followers you have! Any chance you are on--or would consider joining--Twitter? You are such a great writer, I'm sure you'd find a following there.

  2. Sorry, Miss Cranstons, but I have no followers and Twitter isn't really writing though Trump thinks it is. Thank you for the compliment though.
