Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Very Funny

I got my air ducts cleaned yesterday. Nine years ago we had new hardwood floors installed with wooden air vent covers on our first floor, the part that wasn't kitchen. The fellow who installed the floors didn't wait for the Varathane to dry completely so one of the wooden covers was stuck to the vent and had to be pried loose. Given that information and since we didn't have any ball playing dogs at the time we had the floors done, it came as a surprise, and a funny one to boot, when the technician stuck the long vacuum hose down the vent and came back up with not one but two tennis balls. Our current dog who loves balls was delighted and I was in equal parts appalled and tickled.

I can't tell if the house smells better. Like the TV commercial says, I am pretty much nose blind to the familiar smells of my house unless I have been out for a long time or gone for a while. If nothing else a lot of coal dust was eliminated by the cleaning. My house is natural gas fuel now but was originally a coal burning furnace and only some of the ducts are new from when we had the whole furnace replaced. I know the ducts are cleaner though.

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