Monday, August 10, 2015

Don't Get Me Started

For many years I have been complaining about pretty much everything. The issue to me isn't simply that I don't like the way the world runs but that so few people do the job they are hired for correctly. When I first moved here to Utah, I went through what was a pretty convoluted process to get a driver's license. Having moved multiple times I was prepared to take a written exam. I was prepared to take a driving test as well since California required it the few times I moved there. For the record I have moved 29 times in my life and in most ways think I am pretty adjustable if not completely copacetic. So when at the end of a 90 minute process the state employee handed me my license and my name was misspelled I was reasonable. "My name is spelled wrong," said I. "No it's not," said he. Really? My name isn't even oddly spelled like the man in Sacramento who added a number 3 to his name Brown so that it read Bro3wn. Don't even ask what happened to my son with the new system in place.

Anyway, a week ago I scheduled a duct cleaning for tomorrow. Apparently the person I spoke to didn't even tell the person who is supposed to come until this afternoon. At least that was his story when he called to reschedule from 10 am to 2 pm tomorrow. Who knows which of these people is speaking the truth? At this point I curse both of them. I will probably be cursing more vehemently after the duct cleaning. 

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