Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Predictable Pander

Trump's tax plan is great--if you are rich. There are so many reductions in taxes for those who are rich that all those who are poor and middle class will be paying for them until their dying day. Then there are all the leaked new ideas to rewrite the ACA. They will allow states to set up high risk pools for people with pre-existing conditions which will mean that those folks (and if you don't have a pre-existing condition yet, you will or someone in your family will) won't be able to afford insurance or care. So the overall message is, "Who cares about you?"

To make all of that even more special, Trump's environmental meddling will give us all dirtier air and dirtier water. His federal lands executive order will destroy our national parks and monuments (remember America's best idea?). He has already set up a trade war with Canada that will make building a new home or remodeling an old one far more expensive and started a trade war with Mexico. What a swell guy, or is that swill guy?

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