Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Another Rousing Success?

Trump is supposed to release his proposed budget ideas tomorrow. Administration officials who choose anonymity told various news outlets that they were not consulting with Speaker Ryan because they didn't like his handling of the ACA repeal and replace nonsense. I suppose that is good news since Ryan's biggest idea is to have a Border Adjustment Tax that would slap on a twenty percent fee for producing goods outside the borders of the United States. Now I am as eager as the next person to have jobs for people who live in our fifty states but the twenty percent wouldn't be paid by the companies out of their profits, it would be paid by the consumers who buy goods. And at this point it would be pretty much most goods since there aren't that many things made 100 percent within our borders.

Why Ryan is considered the brains of the Republican party is beyond me. There really are Republicans smarter than Ryan but I bet they don't want their names in lights.

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