Saturday, June 23, 2018

It Says More About Her Than It Does About Me

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was turned away from a restaurant in Lexington, VA last night, by the owner who wrote that anyone who worked for Trump was not welcome (that's a paraphrase rather than a direct quote but the gist of the message is the same). Huckabee Sanders then tweeted that her refusal of service "(said) more about her than it does about me." She is absolutely right although I am sure she means the readers' conclusions to be in line with her own standards, not the restaurant owner's. (Apparently some people misunderstood my comments--for once in her miserable life Sanders is right that the owner's refusal says more about her than about Sanders. It means the owner is ethical and moral with a conscience that needs no examination, unlike Sanders.)

I moved from Utah to get away from the morally vacuous people who populate and control that state. I am nearly 70 years old and my husband is older but we picked up and left lock, stock, and barrel to get away from the governing mentality. Trump is an inexcusable blot on America. Even conservative voices with some degree of knowledge did not recognize him as a good business executive. He bankrupted cities and businesses throughout his personal endeavors to the point where he couldn't get loans from American banks and extorted money from the state of New York. If you aren't old enough to remember that, you should probably educate yourself. If you are old enough but don't remember it then shame on you. Atlantic City still hasn't recovered but Trumpettes insist that shows his business acumen rather than his business fecklessness. So if the medicine man comes to your town offering cures for your ills and leaves you with debt AND cancer, and you think that sounds swell, you only have yourself to blame.

Unfortunately, Trump is well on his way to leaving the US with debt and cancer. Even his own spokesperson had to admit today that North Korea is still an imminent and obvious threat to the US. So much for paying millions of dollars to get Kim Jong Un to Singapore and even paying for his $6000 a night suite of rooms and then telling everyone that you understand each other. Your new good buddy then went immediately to his older better buddies in Beijing and made further pacts with them. Aren't you proud of what you have done? I know there are voters in Minnesota who believe that EVERYTHING they see or read online unless it comes from the mouth of Sean Hannity or Lou Dobbs or Laura Ingraham is a lie and that makes me weep for the United States.


  1. I hate to agree with SHS, but the restaurant incident does say more about the owner than SHS. It says that the owner has a conscience and is capable of feeling shame, neither of which apply to SHS.

  2. Yep, that's what I wrote. Sanders got that right but apparently she broke the law by using her WH twitter account to complain about the incident. You just can't make this stuff up.
