Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Breathtakingly Obtuse

Yesterday, Trump hosted a very brief event on the White House lawn. It was supposed to be honoring the Philadelphia Eagles football team that won the Super Bowl in February, but only one player agreed to attend so Trump rescinded his invitation to the whole team in a fit of pique worthy of the finest three year old. He insisted that the players' attitudes were unpatriotic, anti-American, and most intriguingly anti-Constitution. This comes on the same day that he finally unblocked the Twitter users whom he had blocked, two weeks after the federal judge told him that he had violated the Constitution for blocking them.

Anyone who knows even the smallest amount of history understands that protest is at the heart of why this is even a country. Where would we be without the Boston Tea Party? What if all those people hadn't met in Philadelphia in the late 18th century? Unfortunately, as I bemoaned earlier, civics isn't taught much any more. That doesn't excuse Trump who is older than I nor does it excuse his myriad followers who think that NFL players are spoiled millionaires who should be quiet. The funniest irony of the episode was Faux News showing Eagles players actually praying before the game rather than protesting before the game but Trumpettes are probably not paying attention to that irony.

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