Wednesday, June 20, 2018

At Last--Quilting Begins

I finished the basting today, picked up the quilt sandwich from the floor, vacuumed the rug, dusted the furniture, located my hoop--I finally will quilt my project. Since the process of hand quilting isn't very exciting except for the quilter, there won't be much quilt news for a while. Certainly there are plenty of more important topics in the news but most of it is so downright disgusting that it isn't worth the words.

Of course Trump did rescind his order of family separation but if anyone thinks that makes him heroic that person is sadly mistaken and misguided. Sure we need immigration rules of all types but we don't need to terrorize babies and young children. Since folks who hire illegals are the starting  point we need to do a better job at checking those records. When I worked at the Sundance Film Festival, they scoffed at the laws and hired illegals from all over the world. The only good part about that is most of those folks are festival rats and not interested in staying here. The bad part is that the management of Sundance is right; no one cares. There are far better ways to make the system work than what we have been doing and especially what we have been doing in the last two months.

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