Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Tunnel Light

This morning the movers brought a couple of contract workers who appreciate the value of working quickly so goods are moving out of the house at a brisk rate. The scary part was when the foreman said he wasn't sure that absolutely everything would fit. He said that he might have to store some of the outdoor furniture and the garage goods (snow blower, bikes, garden tools, etc.) and send another truck to get it. Since I have already written about how manic I am about planning, you can guess that this sort of "Oops!" moment doesn't thrill me one bit.

But the good news is that we might indeed get out of here before the sun sets even if they have to store some goods. The new owners came by for the walk through but what the really wanted to know was what quirks or oddness was there with any of the appliances and where things were planted. So their purchase will be complete by midday next Tuesday and the sale will be recorded at that point. Since the house was only listed as of 3/7 getting everything done by 4/17 is pretty darn good. Although I have rarely had any trouble selling any house I owned, this speed was eye opening and there was no dickering since the market here is so hot. The house we purchased in Pennsylvania took more than 200 days to sell. Luckily that doesn't concern me since I definitely plan for this to be my body bag house.

Last night my husband and I slept on an air mattress that slowly became a no air mattress. We clearly did not get that much sleep so we are going to one son's house to sleep tonight before heading out tomorrow for parts eastward. We are taking the three cats to another son's house for the duration between leaving here and returning to pick up cats and dogs and some minor goods to put in a van for a second cross-country road trip. I won't be on that one since I will be doing whatever needs to be done sooner rather than later to get the new house up and running.

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