Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sore And Tired

We are not even close to being done but every box emptied is another step on the path. I have found several items broken or missing pieces, the two irreplaceable pieces being a salad cruet set my mother purchased in Germany sometime between 1952 and 1956. Most of it is here but the mustard jar lid is gone like the wind. The other piece that has lost a component is an antique toy tractor that lost its driver somewhere. It's a Marx toy so made out of pressed metal as was the little man. Several pieces of art had the glass broken and my Peruvian angel lost the head.

We planted the peonies we brought from Utah today and the dwarf raspberries and hummingbird collections. The landscaping rule of thumb is that you should spend ten percent of your home's value on that but I don't think that would make much of a dent in what needs to be done here. Even getting rid of the dandelions might take ten percent of the value.

But the good news is that I am slowly making this look like home even if what I am doing now is sort of temporary. The main room that is a combined living and dining area (remember that the original house was built in 1737 so there are fireplaces at both ends) has wainscoting all around with a plate rail on top on that so I have perched art entirely around the room without having to put any nails in. When I paint this room I will switch to using the picture molding, a system I learned to appreciate in the big house in Utah.

Our big Victorian bed is in place in the master bedroom. The movers at first told me it wouldn't work but I not only insisted that it would (I had measured every angle), but explained in a combination of Spanish and English just how to do it. I think they were surprised but there was no way I was going to let them just give up without following my instructions. Then they brought up the box spring following the same plan without a whisper. We had to take the casters off the bed since the ceilings are lower but that only affects dusting under the bed, it isn't a structural component.  

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