Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Planning Ahead

Yesterday we planted tomatoes, eggplant, squash and herbs. Putting in a garden always feels good because our optimism overcomes our experience. We usually have good luck with our produce gardens but occasionally something happens and our dreams are shattered. There are numerous events and problems that can occur and we already know one of the big ones here--rabbits. Lots and lots of fat fluffy rabbits hopping around, so we put cages around each plant.

There is another sort of pest that I knew lived on the land here but I didn't expect to come face to "face" with so soon. I went into the woods across the stream to dig some leaf humus to augment the soil and came out with a tick on my head. It had not done anything yet, just crawling around looking for a good spot, but it was a sobering reminder of nature's power. We didn't have ticks or fleas in Salt Lake City but our dogs will have to be protected from both here.

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