Sunday, March 19, 2017

Something's Fishy

Gail Garber called this quilt, "Something Fishy This Way Swims," but I just called it Something's Fishy. It was fun to make with all its bright colors. The best part from my point of view is that I didn't have to mark it at all--foundation piecing for the fish and the flying fish and extemporaneous random quilting for those details. So I don't really have to wash or soak it because there aren't any marks, it didn't take long enough to make to accumulate dirt, most of the fabric was new and therefore pre-washed just before I started. As it happens the young woman who is my dental technician painted her new son's room almost the same color so she plans to hang it on the wall. That's probably good since it isn't flame retardant fabric and he is still only seven months old and pediatricians advise against soft wrappings, including quilts, until the baby is over 12 months old.

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