Saturday, October 22, 2022

 The final applique pieces went on yesterday afternoon. Today I will begin the whole marking and layering process. I don't think that is anyone's favorite part nor is it mine but there aren't other options. It's funny. My husband didn't tell me until I had sewn everything that when he first saw the photo of the quilt, he couldn't understand why I wanted to make it since for him those "cottage" colors obscured the interesting design. Of course he tells me that he likes my version very much but what else would he say?

 This is just the flimsy of course, no marking, no back, no batt.

We had some friends visit this week. They were on the east coast to meet their very first grandchild and got in touch with us. We had a nice visit but it culminated with the wife asking me if I would make her a king-sized quilt. She is not offering any recompense for this largely because I have told her in the past there is no way she could afford to buy one of my quilts even if she paid minimum wage by the hour. I did make her son and daughter quilts but that was a while ago and my tolerance for certain activities has gone down. Case in point is marking and layering and basting a quilt. The current project is not that big, about 65 inches square, but even that will test my back with all of its poor old vertebrae. I am considering making a flimsy for this woman but telling her she has to find her own machine quilter in Salt Lake City. I doubt she would go for that idea because even though this woman was Phi Beta Kappa as an undergraduate and went to Columbia Law School, she has not got a clue what is involved in making a quilt. I like to make quilts but this request seems a little out of line.

1 comment:

  1. Certainly presumptuous, although I suppose she thinks since making quilts is your hobby, you would welcome the chance to spend your time on a project for her.
