Sunday, May 28, 2017

How Much Can You Stand?

Trump's adventures abroad were at least without tweets. There are even reports that now that he is back in the country, lawyers will try to "vet" his tweets before they go out. Given Trump's personality that doesn't sound like a winner. In the meantime, Jared Kushner, whose taxes and loans are more transparent than Trump's, is on the hotseat because he proposed secret communication to Russia using Russian channels to avoid scrutiny by US intelligence generally and the Obama administration particularly. Everyone knows that Jared is deeply in debt to Russian sources for some of his NYC properties, including 666 Fifth Avenue. In a booming real estate market where 100% occupancy is more the norm than the outlier, 666 is far below that. Kushner even asked the powers that be in New York to renumber the building, thinking that people are avoiding renting space because of the biblical connotations. Of course so many New Yorkers who have enough money to rent space there are serious fundamental religious people. Right. 

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