Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Scientific Illiteracy II

" me it's not an acceptable answer, especially when it comes to schools," Trump said.

Okey dokey, Trump thinks it's all right for you to send your children out into the world; into school buses; crowded classrooms; filled with sneezing, coughing, spitting children in contradiction to what the nation's top epidemiologist recommends. Now a new poll released today showed that 86% of Republican voters trust Trump over Fauci, trust even his understanding of science over Fauci's.

Does that trust hold when Trump puts your children at risk? Keep in mind that children don't go to school without adults. Keep in mind that the virus travels wherever people travel. Keep in mind that children do die from this. Keep in mind that the children's parents die at higher rates.

Do you have your will in order? Who is going to take care of your children if you are hospitalized or die? Do you have all your ducks in a row to send your children out with the complete understanding that going back to school could risk your entire family dying?

Trump finds Fauci's response unacceptable but it is the response of a trained scientist, a physician who knows the facts and isn't looking for your vote.

Will you sacrifice your children to Trump's grandiose view of himself?


  1. I have a purple thumb when it comes to plants and I wouldn't even take trump's advice for their care.

    1. I am guessing that a purple thumb is slightly better than a black thumb but still not good. Trump's thumb grows creatures like Ivanka and DJTj and Eric so that color must be worse than black.
