Wednesday, May 27, 2020

George Floyd Matters

Anyone who has seen the video of George Floyd being killed by police should be appalled. But what will happen next is the defenders of the brutality will blame George Floyd for his own death. They will defend the police because George Floyd's entire life will be examined. I am not defending Floyd for any wrongs that he committed. I have never even had a traffic ticket so committing any kind of illegal activity is foreign to me. The police murdered George Floyd. The police murdered George Floyd because they can.

George Floyd's life matters and George Floyd's death matters more. It is immaterial that George Floyd may have committed a crime that day leading to the police at the scene. It is immaterial because George Floyd did not have his constitutional right to a day in court; George Floyd did not have his constitutional right to a trial; George Floyd, not resisting in any way, did not have his constitutional right to defend himself in court against the accusation against him.

When can we all agree that our legal system, including our police, need to pay attention to the curbs and balances that are supposed to support our system? George Floyd was murdered. The video is readily available. It isn't a matter of opinion. We should not and must not condone lynching and that is what happened to George Floyd, complete with an audience and a video.That this lynching was done by the police should cause everyone to rise up in protest.

Minnesota Nice? Not bloody likely.


  1. Yes to what you said. My family was talking about this last night and I said exactly that, it was a lynching. How can it be stopped? What can be done to acknowledge that a black man is considered guilty just for being black. I am a Caucasian myself but can't fathom that this is the country that I live in. It's as if slavery was yesterday.

    1. Or that slavery is now and tomorrow. I am Caucasian, too, but we are all involved whether we want to be or not. Firing the police officers is not enough. Bringing them to trial is a start.

  2. He may not have even committed a crime. The store owner said that Floyd may not have known that the bill he used to pay with was counterfeit. All the officers involved should be charged. The ones I saw made no effort to end the suffocation.

    1. Yeah, that's why I wrote "may" but even if he had it wouldn't have been cause for the treatment he received. Unforgivable in all respects.
