Saturday, May 2, 2020


We are newcomers to our neighborhood having moved in the middle of last November. We have met our adjacent neighbors and two other couples very briefly on the street, primarily because those two couples have dogs and we really like dogs so we always pet the friendly ones. Or we did before the virus and the social distancing. In any case we certainly don't know everyone and between the virus and inclement weather folks weren't really out and about much before the last couple of weeks so there are clearly people we don't know.

But you can still imagine our surprise when this afternoon while my husband was doing some weeding in our new vegetable garden and I was chatting with him when we heard a noise. We turned around and there was this elderly Chinese couple standing in our front yard about 15 feet from where we were snapping photographs of our large weathered iron sculpture that we had mounted on a very large tree stump with bolts a couple of weeks ago. While we like the sculpture a lot it is simply rusted iron. It's lovely and a friend of ours made it and we are very proud of it but it doesn't have much value except to us. Other neighbors have complimented us on it and even passers-by have praised it, but this was definitely different.

I waved, said hello, but all the old couple did was turn around and walk the forty feet or so back to the street all the while snapping photos of the sculpture, the house, and the new vegetable garden--another feature that lots of folks have commented on positively. I suppose people like what we have done with the place but it isn't a public space. As the old saying goes, "There's none so queer as folks."

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