Friday, May 1, 2020

New Verse, Same as the First

Kayleigh McEnany gave a press briefing today, her first official briefing as the new White House press secretary during which  McEnany promised that she'd "never lie". This is the same woman who said multiple times that Trump never lies. Her reasoning behind that astonishing claim is that Trump does not have an intent to deceive when he speaks. This is sort of camouflaged lawyer speak (depends on what your definition of "is" is) for mens rea--an intention of wrongdoing when committing a crime. It doesn't matter how McEnany represents Trump, he does lie and he does so not just on a daily basis but practically on an hourly basis. So pull my other leg, ma'am. I am not buying what you are selling.

On a different note, I did finish the quilting on Fuss 'N Feathers, got it trimmed and made enough French double bias binding to go around the sides. I have some gardening to get to tomorrow but I will certainly get some of the sewing done tomorrow as well. That means that I should be done with the quilt by Sunday afternoon. It didn't really start off as a Christmas quilt and the various bits and pieces aren't necessarily Christmas but all of the fabrics except the bright red are Christmas themed from a long time ago. I honestly don't know why but for some reason the quilt makes me think of Heidi. Once the photos get posted you can make up your own mind.

Addendum: The Trump administration is blocking Anthony Fauci from testifying to Congress. Neither you nor I know the full story behind this, regardless of the spin, but each of us has an idea.

Donny One Note is singing again tonight.


  1. Beware a pretty face that hides evil intent.
    Check youtube for a Covid 19 song using Sound of Music footage (Loving life at end of the road blog posted it).

    1. Funny to watch Julie Adams leading the children. Best to not only keep up a sense of humor and a stiff lip.
