Thursday, September 8, 2022

 My husband and I got an invitation to a birthday party about a week ago which means the birthday party is only 3.5 weeks away. The party is for a two year old boy on our street and I am delighted to be invited to his special day but I didn't just want to show up with a teddy bear or something. Funny story: last year when he turned one, I left a best wishes card, a teddy bear, and a small homegrown pumpkin at his front door. Later that day his dad told us that he loved the bear and had spent the entire morning rolling the pumpkin around and seemed to love that as well. But as babies do, he got tired so they put him to bed and as new parents do, his mother and father lay down as well. When everyone got up they went downstairs and found no trace but some orange smears of the pumpkin and a dog who desperately needed to go out. You probably already know what happened to the small pumpkin but the sweet pitbull named Nana had devoured it and needed to get rid of the evidence.

Anyway, this party has a rocket to the moon theme so I have been sewing like mad to make a small rocket and astronaut quilt for this two year old. I will have pictures soon.

As an update to my own medical news, I met my new doctor a few days ago, had a bunch of blood drawn, and had a shoulder to groin CT scan. So far the only new information that has developed is that I have a heretofore unknown ruptured lumbar vertebrae (I knew my lower back hurt) and some growth on an ovary or fallopian tube. The CT scan could not tell whether it is a cyst or something more dangerous so I have already scheduled a trans-vaginal ultrasound. If that sounds like a whole lot of fun on an early morning visit to a doctor then you already know what is involved. If it turns out to be cancer I might change my mind about not being a litigious person since the previous doctor could have ordered a scan two years ago. 



  1. Doesn't sound like a particularly comfortable procedure; here's hoping it will identify the cause of your symptoms without further delay.

  2. Sorry you have to go through this. Hoping you get answers and relief soon.
