Sunday, April 10, 2022

 Here is the first photo of the new project. This block is not complete yet but it does show the colors so far. Some of these fabrics are fairly new with the red being the newest. It's from one of my favorite team of designers, Lewis and Irene, who I believe are Scottish. The green and the blue patterned fabric are at least 30 years old.




  1. Intriguing. I am fascinated by the New York Beauties that I see in the blogs but I'm not sure I'll ever attempt one. I have a large number of UFOs and lots of patterns waiting for me.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work as summer arrives, not that I want to rush spring.

    1. I have made a couple of NYBeauty quilts in the past, one very traditional and one more like the Karen Stone version. It's an attractive block, fairly easy with paper piecing, allows for nice quilting. This project is not going to be very big but I think it will pack a punch.
