Wednesday, July 29, 2020

What Are They Thinking?

Yesterday Trump and company hosted a group of doctors who made a video mocking any and all effective Covid19 mitigations that the casual citizen can take. On top of that oddness, one of the people being touted as an expert believes that uterine cancer, cervical cancer, etc., are caused by devils having sex with women while they sleep among other demonstrably stupid and false ideas.

Why the WH is still promoting completely bogus ideas in the middle of the biggest health crisis the country has faced in 100 years is beyond me. Trump asked why people like Fauci more than they like him and I have to believe that it is because Trump gives voice and license to so many bad ideas.

Please do not look to the White House for medical advice. Please do not look to the White House for long term plans.We have already failed under Trump. We don't need to make that failure deeper and broader.


  1. I reduced my cable level months ago so I miss a lot of the news stories. When I heard about this latest WH show I was flabbergasted. It is outrageous that any political staff would allow crazies of this calibre within miles of a president.

    1. Somehow claiming not to know about the people one invites to the people's house seems to be Trump's default position.
