Thursday, July 23, 2020

Album of a Different Color

I have been working on a Baltimore Album style quilt since I finished the Delectable Pathways. Continuing in my quest to not have to buy new fabric, or as little as possible, this top is an entirely new color combination from any BA quilt that I have seen and I have seen hundreds. So far I have completed six blocks and there is no real green fabric, no red fabric, no blue fabric, and very little off white. The main flowers and leaves are black chintzes and pink calicoes. The sashing is a strange brown, pink, burgundy color that I got a long time ago and as odd as it sounds it works well with the other fabrics. At some point soon I will get my husband to take some pictures so that you can judge for yourself. It is sort of weird and sort of eye popping and I haven't even decided if I like it yet.

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