Thursday, September 19, 2019

What Comes Next?

The same family whose daughter will be the recipient of the Lovebirds quilt has been promised a quilt for a son too. It's not that I know these people that well or that we are good friends, but because I am tired of my quilts ending up stuffed in footlockers or elsewhere simply because I like to make quilts. Anyone who makes quilts and enjoys the process ends up practically addicted and it doesn't seem to matter if anyone wants the quilts or not. Even a well known quiltmaker (which I am definitely not) ended up selling her quilts in an online auction and she had way more quilts and tops than I will ever amass.

But my ego still comes in to play so I can't just give my handmade quilts to homeless shelters although I am willing to do so in my will. So they keep stacking up unless I can find people who express more than a passing interest in having a home made quilt. But the next quilt for my friends' son is supposed to be a king sized Amish style diamond in a square and no one, not even me, has that much fabric just sitting around.

So I ordered all the fabrics for the project and to fill my usual quilting time I took out some of the blocks that I offered to give away in a previous entry, and started sewing them together. I don't even know what the block is called and I certainly don't know what I will do with any finished product. The fabrics are what are usually described as Civil War colors and I had to make one more block to end up with a 4 x 6 arrangement. But the result, while pleasing because the workmanship is good, is not to my taste being far too somber. So now I have to devise some border arrangement that suits the old-fashioned fabric but also suits my taste for livelier quilts.

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