Friday, September 27, 2019


"To show you how dishonest the LameStream Media is, I used the word Liddle’, not Liddle, in discribing Corrupt Congressman Liddle’ Adam Schiff. Low ratings purposely took the hyphen out and said I spelled the word little wrong. A small but never ending situation with CNN!"

If you haven't read that tweet already, you should read it now--or read it again now. That is Donald Trump, our very own stable genius, chastising the news. This makes just about as much sense as "covfefe", another Trumpism. The Constitution says impeachment is necessary if the office holder commits "high crimes and misdemeanors" but I believe it should also include incredible stupidity compounded by hubris. Maybe if someone just started pulling on that comb-over he could completely unravel like a cheap sweater.

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