Friday, October 17, 2014

Nearly Done (Updated)

I have approximately 18 inches of one border, including the corner. left to quilt--two leaves and vines and all the acorns and half inch grid left. Although I cannot predict accurately since I have no idea what else will happen this weekend, the quilting should be done by Monday. Then there is the trimming and the binding but the quilt is very close to complete. I have no idea what I will do with this quilt. I have thought of donating it to a charity auction but after the last donation only made $125 and the individual blocks for this quilt cost me $85 apiece I hesitate.

My next project will be much smaller. When I made my Ties That Bind quilt, I thoroughly enjoyed the hand piecing of the bowtie blocks. So I found a quilt, "Shades of Pratt", by Kay Olivia, that uses bowtie blocks but in a non-traditional format. The original quilt was made with hand-dyed fabrics and I do not do any hand dying at all, but I have found appropriate commercial fabrics to replicate the original. I do intend to machine sew the checked border but if you haven't sewn bowtie blocks by hand you should try it. I found it to be like making origami with the final pull to complete the block almost like magic.

Update:  It is Sunday evening and I have made very good progress. I finished the quilting on Saturday. Made the binding today and have already attached the binding on the first pass. Tomorrow I will probably finish the binding though I hate to predict anything. Then attach the hanging sleeve, make and attach a label (I think this one will be very involved), and then get rid of the blue ink lines. Nearly there. 

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