Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fascinating Statistics

One of the very interesting functions that the Google blog assistance provides is the location of viewers more or less in real time. Or you can list those viewers in whatever time scale you want--by the day, by the week, all time or whatever. So I know that today I gained some viewers from Norway but that most viewers are from the US. There are people on every continent but Antarctica and in dozens of countries. This week I gained my first German viewers. That was coincident to the closing of the Campbell Barracks in Heidelberg that made me remember the years I spent in Heidelberg as a very young girl. Then the New York Times food section had a focus on meat cutlets this week and that also made me remember Heidelberg. Even though it was strictly off limits to American military personnel and their families we used to go to the Fidele Bauer. It had the best schnitzel. The restaurant is closed now but it only closed a few years ago. I have only been back to Germany once since I left in 1956 and I didn't go see Heidelberg. Perhaps that should be one of my future European adventures.

Update--It's so cool to me that right now there are people in the US, UK, Ireland, Canada, and Australia looking at this site. I do travel a fair amount and I have been to all of those places, some for fun some for swimming competition, some for both. 

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