Monday, November 16, 2020

 Trump lost the election by multiple millions of votes. Believe it or not that is what happened. Believe it or not, that outcome will not change despite Trump filing lawsuit after lawsuit where in most cases the lawyers presenting the suit have to apologize or equivocate about what they are doing. One of my favorites was from here in Pennsylvania where the judge questioned the lawyer who was claiming that Republicans weren't allowed to watch the votes being counted. The judge was shown videos of the procedure and he asked the Trump lawyer if any of the people who were there were Republican observers and the lawyers admitted that the numbers of Republican observers was not zero.

As amusing as that exchange was, the comity in a courtroom is not achievable in public spaces. Trump has carefully taught all of his followers that reality isn't and what matters is how you feel. If you are pissed, it is someone else's fault in the Trump universe. I don't have a clue what the end game is. Trump lost by multiple millions of votes. More importantly he lost by dozens of electoral college votes. There is no lawsuit nor any constitutional relief for that. Ordinarily a concession speech would happen before now because ordinarily anyone who lost a national election would understand the gravity of refusing to accept the results. The gravity goes beyond wounding Trump's apparently fragile ego and moves toward the US suffering lingering and lasting damage from foreign actors and from ongoing crises. While there were many people disgruntled by the outcome in 2016, Hillary Clinton did concede within three hours of the vote being called. Three hours rather than weeks. Trump's minions seem hellbent on destroying the Union.

What happens when all of those angry people continue to fulminate against what should be the normal procedure in a US election is still a mystery. What does Trump expect from the trouble that is brewing?

On a cheerier note, we got delivery of our new mattresses today and my husband will take pictures of the beds, one with a completed Dresden Plate and one with a flimsy, and I will post them tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. This border is very interesting and will complement the dresden plate pattern very well. It looks difficult so I commend you for attempting it. Can't wait to see the completed project.
    Also, wish my vote counted. I understand your thinking re. your decisions that lead up to this moment.
