Monday, June 15, 2020

One Step Closer

Neil Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion that protects the employment of LBGTQ people. He joined with John Roberts and the four known liberals on the Supreme Court to guarantee that civil rights are more universal than previous decisions have outlined. No one should mistake Gorsuch's decision or Roberts' agreement to mean that either man has become left wing. Rather the decision aligns with their mutual statements about looking at the language of the law rather than public sentiment. If a law, any law, prohibits exclusion because of sex (and please pay attention to the difference between sex and gender), then any actions taken specifically because of sex that injure the aggrieved party because of sex are expressly forbidden by federal law.

I don't know what that means for states such as Utah that have very free "right to work" laws which can more truthfully be described as "right not to work" laws. In Utah anyone can be terminated for any cause including political activity or pregnancy or whatever. The employer doesn't have to provide cause for termination so it becomes hard to show that it was due to discrimination based on sex.

Nevertheless, this is a step closer to equality under the law. Cheers!

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