Sunday, June 21, 2020

Farce and Spectacle

Tulsa didn't go so well for Trump. Besides having fewer than 7000 attendees in an arena that holds 19,000, Trump didn't even rouse the few that were there. All the jokes were tired, all the exaggerations and lies were repeats, and everyone who reported on the event poked fun at Trump--just the behavior that he reacts badly to. The tweets should start around midnight tonight which seems to be the time that Trump chooses to start Twitter tirades.

A grandmother from Iowa started a TikTok movement that ended up making Trumpkins believe that the event was full to the rafters. Then when people began to realize that no one was showing up, Trump and minions made excuses that no one believed. There were not gangs of "thugs" stopping people from entering the arena, there weren't armed protestors threatening peaceful Trump supporters.

On top of all of that, consider that in the middle of the worst medical and health disaster in decades, in the middle of the ensuing economic disaster, in the middle of massive discrimination demonstrations unseen also for decades, did Trump offer any words of reassurance, did Trump point to any path forward, did Trump exhibit compassion and understanding or was he simply divisive? Everyone knows the answer to that.Trump said that he asked his forces to slow down testing for the virus because all the rising numbers made him look bad. Then his supporters had to claim this was a joke even though he has said pretty much the same thing for the past six months.

We haven't even finished with the first wave of this virus and Trump wants to dismiss it whether he is joking or not. The experts still predict that 70% or more of US residents will get the virus. The experts have changed their forecast upwards as to the number of expected deaths. Now the numbers bruited about are in the 250K to 300K range and that is by October 1. Good joke, Donny Con.

People can ignore all the warnings as much as they want. All of us want to have more normalcy. But we need a leader, not a vindictive child to whom all slights and all events are deliberate acts that are unfair. I am guessing that the true revelatory book won't be John Bolton's but Mary Trump's. 

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