Thursday, June 4, 2020

Amazing Weather

Yesterday we had seriously bad weather. Thunderstorms were predicted and right around 4 in the afternoon the sky turned black, the wind began to howl, buckets of rain poured out of the sky and the trees began to whip back and forth as if they were doing the limbo.

We lost power very briefly so our generator didn't even kick in but the rain continued for about an hour and we just hunkered down at home. This morning when reading the newspaper I found that we had been hit by something called a derecho rather than a tornado but regardless of the name, three people in the county where  I live were killed by falling trees. Then slightly later in the morning my husband and I took our normal walk. Our street, while having the same name for its entire length takes a very sharp bend two houses past ours and about three houses past that there was police tape and two enormous trees were down, one right across the yard and the other right across the road taking down all of the lines from the telephone poles. So our house and our immediate neighbors have power but the rest of the street does not. These were enormous trees, probably about 100 years old because that's when those houses were built, with root balls about 12 feet in diameter. One of the trees simply split about eight feet above the ground but the more remarkable sight was that the bark was just stripped off completely down to the ground.

I don't know many of my neighbors being so new here but I do know a couple. My husband and I visited and brought hot coffee and some fresh produce from our garden to those we know. The power company says it won't be able to restore power until Saturday.

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