Friday, April 24, 2020

Slaughter on Fifth Avenue

Yesterday, 4/23/, Trump confronted Deborah Birx about using sunshine or ultraviolet light in addition to strong disinfectants such as chlorine or brand names such as Chlorox or Lysol, to combat Covid19 in humans. The footage that is readily available shows Trump looking at Brix, a MD whom Trump insists on calling Deborah, asking her repeatedly to look into investigating his very bizarre claims about using light to fight the virus or injecting some sort of disinfectant into patients. Trump even mentions injecting disinfectant into the lungs and says that it can be very powerful. You don't have to believe me because there are multiple ways to see the video online.

I am not going to go right into Trump's current defense of his ridiculous notions but to point out that Anthony Fauci was nowhere to be seen and to point out that Brix has real medical qualifications, not simply the brain to which Trump alluded in the bizarre episode. Brix swore an oath as a doctor to at least "do no harm" so how she can sit there and say nothing in rebuttal exposes her as a fraud and a poser as well. Someone needs to have the cojones to stand up and say, "Shut up, people will get hurt if you continue talking."

Yes, I understand that Brix and Fauci would be summarily dismissed if they said anything to contradict Trump. But if they don't, then people do get harmed. People have already been harmed because Fauci and Brix have not contradicted Trump forcefully, have not left the stage after contradicting Trump.

Today, 4/24, Trump claims he was being sarcastic to a reporter because he knew his remarks would be misreported and it was all "fake news" anyway. Watch the tape. Watch the tape again.

Do not let this man maintain his position. I am not just imploring you but imploring Fauci and Brix and other medical professionals who demean themselves, their education, their experience and the oath they swore to sit silently while Trump harms our health, our well-being, our families, and our democracy.


  1. Trump's stream of consciousness, off the cuff leaps of imagination are outrageous and dangerous. Every time I feel nothing can be said that is more ignorant I am proved wrong.

    1. Naturally he took over the press conferences and turned them into an entirely different reality tv show. Luckily he looks more and more like a fool.

  2. Thank you for saying this. I love my conservative community but fear that partisanship is encouraging them to sit quietly for things that would never be tolerated in a president from a different political party. I think history will remember those who truly focus on the safety and well-being of others during this time.
    And your quilts are stunning! I love the way you incorporate historical themes into your own individual work. It keeps tradition truly alive.

    1. Thank you, Pamela. Thank you especially because the historical natural of quilts deserves respect. I have been making quilts long enough, though I do not claim any particular expertise, that I have seen "modern" come and go multiple times. We all find our own niche in this ever evolving craft.

      Unfortunately I don't feel as sanguine about the future of the republic. There seem to be too many people who prosper when others fail and too many others who listen to the false prophets and false arbiters.
