Sunday, April 19, 2020

Lovely Day

Unfortunately it was a lovely day here in southeastern Pennsylvania. It brought more people out to the streets and to the parks. Where I live it looked as though most people were maintaining social distancing but all of the data available shows that it won't work to relax too soon. Are we over-reacting? I guess that depends on your political persuasion rather than any evidence.

Political action committees, commonly known as PACs, are encouraging groups to protest against the safeguards put in place by various governments. It is no  surprise that these groups, complete with Confederate flags (?), are in states that Trump wants to win in November. So why is some moron with a Confederate flag standing on the statehouse steps in Michigan? What did the Confederacy ever have to do with Michigan which came out strongly for the Union?

It is easy to see the connection between the Trump campaign and the demonstrations when the very same day Trump praises those people because they like him.

Please tell me how liking Trump is going to help with any response to this pandemic? Oh, wait, people who kiss his ass are rewarded with the prime example being the Colorado senator who scored some ventilators because he kissed the Trump ring.  We are not only now leading the world in infections and death, but also leading the world in ignorance and sycophancy.

To state in opposition to remarks from Trump--Obama did not leave you behind in ability to respond to this pandemic because Covid19 is a brand new virus. There were no tests for the virus so there were no flawed tests left by the previous administration. The flawed tests came from Trump's direction  because prior to 2019 the virus did not exist. Turns out that putting your sycophants in charge of agencies is probably not a good solution. There were gaps in equipment in the federal stock pile because Republicans were in charge of  appropriations to restock and they refused. Trump had three years to rebuild the federal stockpile but he did not do so. He had prior information that he did not read or respond to beginning just before Christmas of 2019. How the hell does he blame that on Obama?

Trump did not cause this pandemic but he definitely did not respond to it in any fashion that shows him as being effective or knowledgeable, nor does he show compassion or caring. The stable genius is a stable horse's ass.

Although I was an Army brat and a Navy wife I still tell people that I am from Texas when they ask. So what I want to know is, what the hell are y'all going to complain about when your own mother or father or sister or brother die? This administration has completely botched the response which isn't surprising, but blaming someone else will not work given that this strain DID NOT EXIST when Obama was president. All of these deaths and destruction fall on Trump.

Ask for better, expect better, contact your representative and find out how many testing facilities exist where you live. Become engaged in the reaction to this because otherwise we will be in the same position a year from now.


  1. I love reading your posts. I may not always post a comment because I agree with you.
    This has become such a dangerous administration. Trump does not care about ANY human being but himself. The cult followers know full well what he’s doing and don’t care about the consequences. The kiss ass congressman and governors have no balls to stand up to him fearing for their own political life that he will ruin. . The daily rallies of lies is disgusting and ruining our country as we knew it.
