Thursday, January 10, 2019


The classic example of chutzpah is the man who throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan after he kills both parents. Now that the FBI is having to shut down some operations because of the government closure debacle, Trump says it is really getting to be a national emergency, giving him even greater authority to declare an emergency to get his ridiculous wall built. Given that the wall is a boondoggle anyway and would end up being a complete disaster of epic proportions (who in Texas or anywhere else on the southern border is going to give land back to Mexico to accommodate a wall?), financial, environmental, and psychological, the real emergency is that Trump thinks he is god or godlike, pushed on by creepy guys like Steve Miller. His advisers tell him that the Israeli wall is 90% effective yet the Israelis keep firing weapons over the wall and shutting down tunnels under the wall. That's what the Russians did in Berlin and how the Chinese used the top of their Great Wall. Do we really want to start shooting Mexicans? I know we fired tear gas over the border last week but are we prepared to fire bullets? You want to talk about a humanitarian crisis you need to envision the ramifications built in to the proposition. What has this country come to?

When the wall doesn't work what do we plan to do next? Resurrect a dead Ronald Reagan to declare, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall?"

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