Sunday, December 11, 2016

December Rain

As people might remember, Salt Lake City hosted the Winter Olympics. Even at the time there was some question whether there would be enough snow for all the events. Utah had gone from over abundant moisture with the great Salt Lake reaching historic highs and running across highways to steadily declining snowfall.When my husband and I  moved here  it was the tail end of a cycle and there was abundant, record breaking snow fall including one year where it snowed nearly every day of the winter including one day with 23 inches. Now it is the middle of December and there is no snow where I live. There is some snow in the mountains, but nothing like the base that is expected at this time of the year.

If you have a place to move where there is more reliable water, now would be a good time to make that move. Our politicians and leaders in Utah are completely feckless. Our president elect is not necessarily a climate denier but his opinion seems to be if decisions hurt the bottom line (even if they ultimately help everyone) then they are wrong because great leaders couldn't possibly make poor decisions.

We have heard this all before and it doesn't end well.

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