Monday, March 16, 2020

Stay Well

COVID19 is wreaking havoc in multiple areas, most having nothing to do with the virus itself. What I mean by that is that even areas that have few cases are being hit by panic buying of goods or predatory buying of goods. Clearly people who do not have anyone's interest but their own are buying stuff hoping to cash in on the need of other people. One guy was exposed because he bought more than 17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and tried to use Amazon to sell those bottles, but he clearly isn't the only miscreant. In his defense, when exposed he donated his hand sanitizer but even that was probably to avoid prosecution.

Do we need to be concerned about the virus? Of course we do, especially those who like me are over 60 years old with underlying conditions that make getting the virus a bigger risk. But do we need to worry about manufacturers not being able to make toilet paper? That should be the reason that folks are buying carloads of tp but unfortunately it is more likely that they intend to gouge other people.

People will be hurt by this virus beyond what has already happened. When the US decided not to use the WHO tests because Alex Azar, who happens to not only be the HHS secretary but a former pharmaceutical company lobbyist, wanted American pharmaceutical companies to benefit from developing a test, the US fell far behind other countries in testing for the virus. When Trump and his minions, including many on Fox News, kept saying it was just a cold and less dangerous than the flu, the US fell far behind other countries. When Trump voters are taped saying that this is all because the Democrats want to get rid of  Trump, violence isn't far behind.

But some of the reactions to the pandemic seem ludicrous. How does closing state alcoholic beverage stores completely subdue any spread? Who is going to cover the bills of restaurant workers if all restaurants close?  How do people who are encouraged to shelter in place and stay inside (my husband and I are both well over 65) even get food, if it is available at all?

Wars and emergencies bring out the best in people and the worst in people. Right now, mostly we see the worst starting with Trump who takes no responsibility at all for any of the problems including the people packed cheek by jowl at Chicago airports, most of whom look from the photo to be older folks who are more susceptible and at greater risk. This is FUBAR and SNAFU from top to bottom.


  1. I went to my local Albertson's here in northern Idaho a couple of days ago. The store was fully stocked.....until I got to the TP and kleenex aisle. The shelves were totally bare. Unbelievable. How do these things get started? I had to see it myself.

    1. Well you are lucky if the other shelves were fully stocked. Here there isn't even flour to be had, nor milk, nor meat. Now maybe we just hit that store on a bad day at a bad time but here in Montgomery County, PA, even regular food is unavailable. Luckily, I had a stash of chicken carcasses for soup and my daughter in law who was working in gourmet food marketing (until the virus and now she is out of work)had sent dried beans and canned fish a while ago, long before the virus, so with those and D'Artagnan we will be able to eat for a while.

  2. Well said! We have almost 4 million people in our area and many who are high risk. As of today only 256 people have been tested! The governor and the state health dept head just keeps saying the same words every day. By the time they test people who need it they’ll be dead. The Department of Defense should have been called in weeks ago to set up more hospital beds and equipment needed. But, why are we surprised? The seven dwarfs have no clue what to do. What a nightmare this is and will be. We are hunkered down except for doctor visits or groceries. Mostly I use Amazon as a warehouse is about 10 miles from our home for groceries or household till they stop delivering. I hope you and hubby stay safe. Take care. Mary
