Thursday, March 19, 2020

Moving Forward On A Gloomy Day

While the weather here is gloomy and overcast after overnight rains, tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and 75F. I hope it is a harbinger of things to come rather than a false promise, but my husband and I are moving forward regardless on many different fronts.

My husband had hand surgery back on February 12. Subsequent to that we both got sick which might have been from exposure in the hospital or it might have been from our middle son visiting for our anniversary a few days before the surgery. This son normally travels a lot for business and he had come back from Germany, flying in and out of the large international terminal in Munich. Son's bout lasted at least ten days, presented like a very bad cold but who knows. Covid19 was not really in the forefront of American or even European brains at that point and there certainly were no tests for weeks after so when first my husband got sick and then I got sick after our son's visit, we were just treating it like a bad cold which it certainly could have been. There really wasn't much of a threat to public safety from us since we felt so poorly we pretty much self-quarantined anyway.

Husband spends most of his time fiddling around on his computer, partly as a business consultant, partly to learn more and different coding skills, and partly just for fun, watching science fiction shows that he knows I have no interest in. I spend most of my time sewing and reading, both quite solitary activities for me since I don't belong to any quilting groups and there is no particular reason for me to go to a fabric store as I purchase most of my supplies online these days or rely on my substantial stash that includes all the essentials like needles, thread, batting, etc.

In the five weeks since the surgery the world has changed. While my husband was supposed to go back for a checkup on his recovery and to get more pt recommendations; that was cancelled by the doctor and the hospital. He was also supposed to go to the dentist to get a new crown on a tooth but that has been cancelled and the office is shut for at least twelve more days and possibly longer. They have promised that he will be one of the first patients rescheduled as he has a temporary crown that has developed a hole which means he has a hole into his tooth. Our vet had asked us to schedule our senior cats for checkups but those have been cancelled and the vet is only seeing dire conditions, not regular checkups.

But life goes on anyway. We have been growing starts for our vegetable garden under grow lights in the basement and they are big and bushy and some are ready to plant outside, as long as they get some protection from the colder nighttime temperatures. We have walls of water to put around the tomatoes which already have flowers on them so tomorrow seems like a good day to get those in the ground.

I have been working on the applique borders for the feathered star project. Below is a picture of the top as it stands now. I am not sure I am going to put a pieced border on. Right now I am considering a sculpted ogee curve border and then either a plain red band or a line of curved flying geese around the sculpted border but I am not decided yet. What do you think?

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