Thursday, March 19, 2020

Deranged Dotard

Trump says that if we don't like the way he is handling the US response to the Covid19 virus that we are siding with China. What does that even mean? Siding with China to do what? Infect Americans with a virus, destroy the economy, turn neighbor against neighbor? I don't know anyone who wants any of those ideas to happen but I do know what a piss poor response to a crisis looks like. Trump is finally showing Americans what some of us knew from the start. This is a man who couldn't even make a casino earn money and the house always wins in a casino. When you have already had six bankruptcies, you do recognize the signs of that which is why Trump is freaking out now and the rest of us should be as well.

I side with the United States. I want an organized and coordinated response with intelligent adults who understand science and understand medicine to take over. I don't want a moron who thinks because he had an uncle who taught at MIT that he is automatically a freaking genius even though he didn't even make dean's list at either of the two colleges he attended occasionally to be the face or the base on which any response to this virus is formulated. I don't want a man who lies just because he can to try to tell me that this time he is telling the truth. There is no single thing in Trump's life that has ever worked out well, not even the one place where he had fans which was television. I am completely happy to say I never even saw a commercial for Trump's TV shows let alone the show.

I can be proud of the fact that I have a written history of pointing out his faults and his self aggrandizement. If you still believe in that man, then you are siding with failure not success.  


  1. Replies
    1. Trump was touting remdesivir yesterday as one of the wonder drugs he wanted to liberate from red tape to give to Americans. Here's what a spokesman from Gilead (the company that makes the drug) said about it:

      Ryan McKeel said. "It is not approved anywhere globally and has not been demonstrated to be safe or effective for any use."

      Must be one of those people who side with China, right?

  2. Oh my God. He is such a danger to this country. Since he can’t have his rally’s he’s on tv everyday spouting lies trying to look like he understands what’s happening or cares. What a POS. Thank God the governors of most states seem to know what needs to be done immediately. Sorry for the rant but I’m angry cause I’m high risk and 71.
