Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Who's The Dummy Now?

The title of this entry references a movie that most people never saw but it expresses my exasperation with the language of Donald Trump. I like words, I like language, I like how various languages express culture. Trump often says things or tweets things that are moronic and I don't mean moronic in that they express dumb ideas but that they are moronic in that he expects people to listen and/or believe him. So he starts calling the media "fake news" and then claims that other people call the media "fake news" and then says that everyone is calling the media "fake news" because by that time his original statement has been repeated ad nauseam so in a very narrow sense he has circled back on his own language to make people believe that what he says is the consensus.

Today he declaimed that there are people in the migrant caravan who are called "grabbers" who pick up children along the way, apparently meaning that literally, to try to get a more favorable outcome when applying for asylum. He repeated multiple times that these people are called "grabbers", that other people call them "grabbers", that he heard the term from someone else but that "grabbers" is colloquially understood in Honduras and El Salvador.

Oh come on! Who is the dummy now? These are people who speak very little English but somehow use English language words to describe desperadoes in their own countries. Trump not only is moronic, he thinks you are too.

1 comment:

  1. Your last sentence made me laugh-unfortunately, it's true. He is such a freakin idiot. After all of Thursday's news reports, I feel the circle is finally closing in on him and that family. I'm feeling hopeful. Hope I'm not wrong.
