Friday, February 14, 2014

Not So Fast

Yesterday was a good day, good heart rhythm after the ablation, slow but complete recovery from the anesthesia, even ate dinner. Today was not so good. Around 6:15 am, before breakfast was served at the hospital, my husband went into atrial fibrillation again. The cardiologist said, "Well, we will just go back down to the surgery floor and do a cardioversion. That will bring you back into rhythm and then you can go home." So back downstairs, a different type of anesthetic and they tried the cardioversion. They tried five times (the protocol is for three attempts) and then stopped. So when my husband started to come to, he said that he felt as though an elephant had stomped on his chest. Now the plan is to try a stronger beta blocker along with his previous medicine and adding the blood thinner but not one of the ones that requires blood draws. Everyone seems to think he will improve dramatically once the beta blocker takes full effect but so far no change. The only bright spot is that we are both home with beating hearts even if one is out of rhythm.

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