Monday, February 17, 2014

Great Improvement

Over the last two days my husband has begun to feel much better. His heart has stayed in rhythm, he is flushing all the anesthetic residue out, with the dosage cut in half he is keeping his food down. As I wrote before, he is essentially quite healthy and fit. Prior to the surgery the doctors performed a cardiac stress test and multiple electrocardiograms as well as checking for blood clots and blockage. He is participating in a research study to test the efficacy of ablation over drugs and I think the doctors were delighted that they had a candidate who wasn't already 83 with end stage heart issues. Certainly all of the other men on the ward were old and enfeebled except for the one guy next door who had been smoking since age 5 and drinking since age 14. Even though he was only 51 he looked 80 and has such bad arteriosclerosis that the doctors couldn't even get a stent in. So everything is beginning to look pretty good.

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