Thursday, August 24, 2023

 Both of my parents died relatively young and, as a consequence, there are many things about aging of which I am unaware. What is happening in my jaw is not a normal consequence of aging so I probably wouldn't have known about mandibular tori anyway. A mandibular torus is a bony protuberance behind your lower front teeth arising from the mandible. They are often a problem in pairs but what I have right now is one large torus and apparently a few small ones on the other side of the center. While they can be annoying and even painful, mine is not impeding chewing or talking or even bothering me if I leave it alone. What the hygienist and the dentist both found remarkable was how quickly the torus grew. I go to the dentist a minimum of three times a year and usually more often than that for one reason and another.

So I just saw my hygienist in April at which point I did not have any tori. No one seems to know what to expect except that the smaller ones will probably get bigger as well. Isn't getting old swell?

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